National Grid Property Award Winners
Published by Erith on 5 May 2023


We are delighted to announce our success at this year’s National Grid Property Awards, taking away trophies in four categories including:


Best Project Support – Owain Davey – the judges praised Owain’s instrumental role in the gasholder demolition framework stating: “Owain develops innovative solutions when problems arise and appears to thrive on the challenge of taking forward a difficult site. He enthusiastically provides high quality contractor programme manager support and I’m confident that any project he works on will be delivered on time and to a very high standard. He goes above and beyond on each project to ensure the best outcomes.

Best Demolition Project – Stanmore Gasholder Demolition and Infilling – the judges praised the dismantling and infilling of the three below ground gasholders, highlighting the proactive steps taken by the entire project team to collaboratively address any concerns raised by neighbours along three boundaries of the site, and the relocation of newts from the gasholder tank water to Stanmore Marsh.

Most Sustainable Property Project – Use of Poole Demolition Arisings to Infill Southampton Gasholder – the project was recognised for being a great example of sustainable material re-use which would have otherwise been transferred offsite for disposal and reducing the risks associated with a shallow gasholder void being left on-site at Southampton.

Best Project Strategy Implementation – Lavenham Gasholder Restoration Project – the judges commended the transformation of the Lavenham Gasholder, a Scheduled Monument and significant heritage asset that had fallen into disrepair. The restoration works involved the improvement of the gasholder’s physical condition, installation of an interpretation panel and the placing of a decorative stone before handing over the project to the Parish Council.

Declan Cogley, Director, commented: “I would like to pass on my congratulations to Owain Davey for being recognised with his prestigious award for outstanding project support. We are proud that our ongoing commitment to deliver safe, sustainable and innovative solutions to National Grid has been rewarded with the presentation of these awards.”

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