One Lansdowne Road
Entrusted with the enabling works package at Lansdowne Road, Croydon, Erith carried out the demolition and clearance of four buildings: Voyager House, Wellington House, Marco Polo House, and Lansdowne Hotel. This pivotal project laid the groundwork for a transformative redevelopment, paving the way for 780 new homes, versatile commercial spaces, collaborative working areas, and a verdant new square.
The project included the demolition of the Lansdowne Hotel, an L-shaped 5 storey building of reinforced concrete/masonry construction with restaurants and a multifunction room as ground level. Voyager House, a 7-storey reinforced concrete/masonry office block with a live UKPN substation attached at ground level. Wellington House (YMCA), a 12-storey reinforced concrete hostel building with metal cladding and a leisure centre with a swimming pool within the ground floor and basement levels and Marco Polo House, a 10-storey reinforced concrete office block with metal cladding to the 6th floor and steel and metal decking to the top 4 storeys, were also included in the scope.

new homes
CCS score
2.3 million
value of works

The scope of works encompassed the installation of perimeter hoarding to secure the site, protection to retained trees, erection of protective/access scaffolding to all buildings, removal of asbestos materials identified in the R&D survey, soft strip, de-planting works and removal of arisings, demolition of low-level building additions to enable site access, and demolition of superstructures to ground floor including high reach demolition of Lansdowne Hotel and Voyager House and top-down demolition of Wellington House and Marco Polo House. The project also involved the breakout and removal of all slabs and foundations, crushing of hardcore/concrete to 6F2 and backfilling to leave a level site.
The main challenges of the project included interfacing with TFL and Highways, working around their assets in the site vicinity including tram and bus lanes, interaction with neighbours including the Home Office and Emerald House (residential) where access and logistics were key for the installation of scaffolding, and protecting and carrying out demolition of Voyager House around the live UKPN sub-station.
Noise, dust, and vibration monitoring were installed around the site, and regular newsletters were dropped to all local stakeholders to keep them informed of any new activities or milestones due to happen during the progress of works, mitigating any disturbance.