Ebbsfleet – Public Realm Works
The planning permission for Ebbsfleet Garden City ensures that all the developers provide both formal play areas and informal green spaces.
Community areas and other public realm improvements feature highly in the development.

Central to Castle Hill is the Cherry Orchard Community Centre which provides a focal hub next to the Primary Academy.
The Village Green has three tennis courts, an amphitheatre style event space and children’s castle playscape and adventure playground. The Linear Park is the connective space between the development and the Castle Hill Lake which provides a new promenade, two floating jetties, a boathouse and a 2km green nature walk around the lake. The Country Park has a bandstand and a large picnic area.
Other areas in the development are designed to provides quiet reflective spaces or to allow for informal family gatherings.
To provide a walking route to the Thames we have refurbished some of the old quarry tunnels and created a land bridge in Craylands Gorge.

There has been a large investment in public art in many of the public areas.
The archaeologists were very pleased to find fossilised woolly mammoth remains and these are celebrated by the statue of the mother and baby mammoth on Whitecliffe Road.
To reflect the evidence of the iron age settlement found on the site, the Country Park features sculptural flint tools and implements and the community centre has the statue of an iron age man.
Works have commenced on the deconstruction and rebuild of the 16th century, listed Alkerden Barn and the construction of two pavilions to create a new community sports and activity area to be called Alkerden Park.