A Hat-trick of National Grid Property Awards
Published by Erith on 15 May 2024


We are proud to be celebrating success at this year’s National Grid Property Awards with trophies in three categories.

Best Demolition Project – Colchester Gasholder Dewatering, Dismantling and Constraints Removal

Best Stakeholder Engagement – Saxon Street, Manchester Gasholder Demolition and Infill

Best Property Strategy Implementation – Deal Gasholder Dismantling

All of our National Grid Demolition Managers were also shortlisted in the Best SHE Leadership Category.

Contracts Manager, Matt Balson, commented: “I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the remarkable teams whose commitment and excellence made the awards day a triumph. I’m beyond thrilled and grateful for your efforts!”

Operations Director, Simon Frost, added: “The gasholder projects we have undertaken over the past 12 months have been some of the most complex and challenging sites we have experienced. To be rewarded  for overcoming these challenges is a testament to the excellent work carried out by our site teams. Well done to all involved.”

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