Published by Erith on 20 May 2024
We consistently test ourselves against companies in our peer group by entering, and frequently winning, prestigious awards.
2024 Awards

RoSPA Gold Medal Award

City of London Gold Award – Seal House

City of London Gold Award – Holborn Viaduct

National Grid Property Awards – Best Property Strategy Implementation – Deal Gasholder

National Grid Property Awards – Best Stakeholder Engagement – Saxon Street Gasholder (Manchester)

National Grid Property Awards – Colchester Gasholder

Considerate Constructors National Site Awards – Ty Glas

Considerate Constructors National Site Awards – Portland House

Considerate Constructors National Site Awards – 105 Victoria Street

NFDC Awards 2024 – Project Manager of the Year – Highly Commended – Sean Morris

2023 Awards

ARCA Gold Training Award

ARCA Gold Site Audit Award

RoSPA Gold

City of London Gold Award – Seal House

City of London Gold Award – Holborn Viaduct

City of London Gold Award – 120 Fleet Street

National Grid Property Awards – Best Project Support

National Grid Property Awards – Best Demolition Project

National Grid Property Awards – Best Project Strategy Implementation

National Grid Property Awards – Most Sustainable Property Project

London South East Colleges – Silver Employer Award

2022 Awards

ARCA National Training Award

ARCA Gold Training Award

ARCA Gold Site Audit Award

World Demolition Awards – Urban Demolition – Olympia

Construction News Specialists Awards – Health, Safety and Wellbeing Excellence

British Demolition Awards – Apprentice of the Year

RoSPA Gold

City of London – Considerate Contractor Gold Award

NFDC Awards 2022 – Demolition Manager of the Year

NFDC Awards 2022 – Apprentice of the Year

NFDC Awards 2022 – Special Recognition Award

Construction Awards of Excellence – Young Employee of the Year

Construction Awards of Excellence – Heritage Project of the Year

Construction Awards of Excellence – Highly Commended – Building Contractor of the Year (Over £15m)

2021 Awards

World Demolition Awards 2021 – Safety and Training

World Demolition Awards 2021 – Industrial

World Demolition Awards 2021 – Contract of the Year under $1m

Construction News Specialist Awards 2021 – Ground Engineering Specialist of the Year

British Demolition Awards 2021 – Asbestos Removal Contractor of the Year

British Demolition Awards 2021 – Health and Safety Award

Considerate Constructors Awards 2021 – Most Considerate Site

All Ireland Safety Awards – Construction – Specialist Contractor Award

RoSPA Gold

ARCA Gold Training Award

ARCA Gold Site Audit Award

2020 Awards

World Demolition Awards 2020 – Civils Awards – Cleveland Street

National Grid Property Awards 2020 – Winner – Most Considerate Project

National Grid Property Awards 2020 – Highly Commended – Best Project Support

Bexley Business Awards 2020 – Commitment to Education and Skills

Construction News Specialist Awards 2020 – Demolition Specialist of the Year

RoSPA Gold


2019 Awards

World Demolition Awards 2019 – Civils Demolition Award – Hanover Square

World Demolition Awards 2019 – World Demolition Award

RoSPA Gold

2018 and Older Awards

Construction News Specialist Awards 2018 – Demolition Specialist of the Year
NFDC Awards 2018 – Demolition Apprentice of the Year
CCS National Site Awards 2018 – Gold site award
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Best SHE Leadership
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Best Project Delivery (Large)
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Young Professional
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Most Considerate Project
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Most Sustainable Project
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Winner – Best Stakeholder Engagement
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Highly Commended – Best Project Delivery (Large)
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Highly Commended – Best Project Support
National Grid Property Awards 2018 – Highly Commended – Best Property Transaction
World Demolition Awards 2017 – World Demolition Award (overall winner)
World Demolition Awards 2017 – Contract of the Year US $1M and over
World Demolition Awards 2017 – Safety and Training
World Demolition Awards 2017 – Industrial Demolition
ARCA Gold Training Award 2017
City of London Considerate Contractor Gold Award 2017
National Grid Property Award Best Large Project Delivery 2017
National Grid Property Award Best Project Documentation 2017
Considerate Constructors Gold Award 2017
NFDC Innovation of the Year 2017
NFDC Plant Operator of the Year 2017
2016 Considerate Contractors Gold Award
NFDC Demolition Manager of the Year Award 2016
NFDC Training Commitment of the Year 2016
World Demolition Urban Award 2015
World Demolition Contract of the Year Under $1 Million Award 2015
National Grid Outstanding SHE Performance Award 2015
Three City of London Considerate Contractor Gold Awards 2015
NFDC Innovation of the Year Award 2015
NFDC Asbestos Operative of the Year Award 2015
Construction News Specialist Highly Commended 2014
Construction News Demolition Specialist of the Year Award 2013

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