Arthur Street
In 2019, Wates/Orbit Homes employed us to carry out the complete structural demolition of the Cranbrook, Cobham, Canterbury, Challock, Charing and Nursery buildings at Arthur Street in Erith, Kent.
The works involved soft strip, asbestos removal, and high-reach structural demolition of the three tower blocks and adjacent buildings and would pave the way for 320 new homes as part of the continuing regeneration of Erith.
Technical challenges
The works required close liaison with Network Rail due to the proximity of the railway bordering the site.
We worked closely with both Network Rail and UK Power Networks (UKPN) so as not to disrupt the rail line behind the site and maintain access for UKPN operatives to three on-site substations.
Noise, dust, and vibration were all monitored and mitigated.

We implemented strict environmental monitoring procedures for the works due to the proximity of neighbouring properties and the railway line.

This was primarily a demolition job involving soft strip, asbestos removal, and high-reach structural demolition of the three tower blocks and adjacent buildings.
We deployed a highly competent and experienced site team for the project and maintained good community relations throughout the works.
Logistics management plan

In conjunction with our overall construction management plan, we implemented a robust logistics regime to ensure that the effects on neighbouring parties and the general public were minimised.

Community Liaison

Our Neighbourhood Liaison Officer and Project Support Manager ensured project update newsletters were distributed to neighbouring parties and maintained up-to-date information on the site noticeboard.

Summary of service 
Asbestos removal
Soft strip